Cycling Again

Ten plus years ago i was a keen mountain bike rider.  So keen that every Sunday me and the lads from work would leave Guildford at 7am and go off into the North Downs.  All very keen but not that serious, although there were some expensive bikes in the group, mind  you 2 of the guys were doing very well and one was my MD.  We’d normally end up at Leith Hill and have a cup of tea at the old water tower whilst watching the planes land and take off at Gatwick.  it was so quiet up there at that time, say 9am, that once i was there on my own and all i could hear was my heartbeat.

After a short rest we would race back to Newlands Corner for an even bigger rest.  Quick cuppa, load the bikes in the van and then off home.  We were fit in those days, so much so that i used to enter time trials races organised by Evans Cycles.  I entered for 2 of these and did pretty well, coming 12th out of 120 riders racing against the clock on a 21 mile off road route.  I remember my backside feeling like it was going to pop as there were guys behind you on a bit of singletrack pushing you to go faster and you werent really warmed up.

I had longer hair in those days and didnt actually look at myself till i got home and then the wife told me to look in the mirror…so thats why i had strange looks from other drivers.  Moving jobs to the Wirral, i left behind my riding buddies hoping to get into it again but it never was.  I had a few rides over the next 2 years and made my own fun at Thursaston Hill and riding to Wesk Kirby.

Moving back down South again, kids became the priority and although i still had my old mountain bike it never really got the use; plus i had moved jobs to London and never really saw the old guys.

So i now find myself on the Isle of Wight surrounded by cycle routes and so i have appllied for a new bike through the governments cyclescheme or cyclescam as some of the shops call it.  Today i went out from Shanklin to Newport and back using my wifes bike that was too small but worth the effort and it was great.  A purpose made cycle path throught hills and over rivers taking in the old disused railway, it was 7.75 miles to Newport so i treated myself to a drink in the nearest Newport pub.  I had signed up to the wighwheels challenge, a competiotion among businesses and families across the island to see who could cycle the most miles in a month.  And so i added 17 miles to AJ Wells efforts.

So this has really got me fired up and i can’t wait now to get the new bike.  We are off to Center Parcs in a couple of weeks and so hopefully ill have it then and it will get lots of use.  I am hoping to get involved in the Isle of Wight Cycling Festival in Sept and all being well should be very fit by then.

I feel this is the way to go and not get a BMX like i did a few years ago and early one morning at Woking Skatepark fall off the ramp and crack my rib!

Thanks Heidi for the positive nagging today to make me get off my backside and cycle; i will clean your bike.

Oh happy days; long may they continue.

About signmode

53, married with 5 children living in Aldershot and working in the sign industry for over 36years.
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